Do you need anything from Target?
Jan 11, 2024I received this quick text from my son the other day. While he is a young adult (at 25), in our hearts he is still a kid. What a thoughtful adult thing to do and to ask. Essentially, “I’m out, I appreciate you as my parents, do we need anything at the house” (since he moved back from Europe).
Our friend Michelle insisted that we get together at her house for a brainstorming session to grow my business. 2 hours of snacks and flipcharts all dedicated solely to helping me and Most People Don’t.
A note out of the blue from someone who heard my message years ago and shared, “Every time I open the refrigerator, I try to think about selecting the healthiest choices because of your ‘Most People Don’t’ stories and presentation. It continues to motivate me to do the right things more often than not.”
While at a coffee shop, a small child started to open the entrance door and three patrons rushed to stop him, while the parents weren’t perceptive to what was happening.
A person’s eyes get glossy when you tell them, “You’re Doing Great” and hand them a pocketful of gratitude stones to take with them to their radiation appointment to give to the doctors, nurses, and other patients that need some positive reinforcement.
Being THOUGHTFUL doesn’t cost anything except a little ATTENTION, a tinge of PERCEPTION, and a dose of CARE.
So tell me, what can I pick up for you at the store while I’m here?