How to KEEP your Employees from Becoming Someone Else’s

Nov 09, 2023

Are you loyal to your company?  What would it take, positively or negatively, for you to leave? Do you think your employees are loyal to your organization and/or to you?

I read a study from PWC that shared these shocking statistics.  At a conference this week in Long Beach, California hosted by HSMAI, I facilitated a discussion on WHAT we can do as leaders to minimize turnover and KEEP our valued employees.   These brilliant leaders shared their input on their challenges and solutions for this turnover problem.

There are 3 MAIN REASONS  why employees are leaving. 

 1. Lack of Personal Growth

-  they don’t have a sense that they have a future career with the organization.  Employees want to grow and enrich their souls through meaningful work.  79% of employees surveyed want MORE time with their leaders.

2. Poor Company Culture

-  people don’t treat each other with kindness and respect.  Hurtfulness is tolerated.  They are looking for community.

3. No Company Direction

-  if the organization is going somewhere, it isn’t being communicated or shared properly.  People want to be part of something bigger.


Here are a FEW IDEAS  to assist with challenge #1:


- Be available to be interrupted to help your team at any time.  Don’t close your door.  Ask, how can I help you do your job better?  Remove obstacles and destroy roadblocks. 


- Go to extraordinary lengths to show them you are grateful.  Recognize each person as they want to be seen.  Reward each person as they need to be motivated.


- Ensure time spent with your team is concentrated, transparent, and authentic.  When you are meeting with them, THEY are the most important thing to you at that moment.


 - Develop a clear performance path and plan so they have an understanding of how they can grow.  Monitor it, update it, revise it, but have it.

My WORKSHOP ENTITLED: "How to Keep Your Employees From Becoming Someone Else's" provides the dialogue and solutions to overcome this retention challenge that so many organizations are facing.