“Pick Betsy, Include Others"

Jul 18, 2024

For my kickball team...

It was my turn to be “Captain of the Day” for kickball at recess. I was in the second grade and remember this story like it was yesterday. I won the coin toss to begin selecting which kids would be on my team. For some reason, instead of choosing Eric or Kenny - the best home-run kickers in our school, I selected Betsy.


Betsy was the sweetest red-haired, freckle-faced, little kid who wore frilly dresses every day. She was also the least athletic at the time. Even at this young age, I noticed that Betsy had always been chosen last to be on someone’s team in the past. Today would be different and something compelled me to DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT.

I picked Betsy.

Kids were shocked. Some of my buddies were upset with me for not picking them first.

Teachers were surprised.

 Betsy was stunned.

 Include Others.

 Betsy did not score a run for us that day, but she did get on base. She was finally included.

 She was OVER-JOYED, for the rest of the day.

 Not only that, her joy was infectious.

 The remarkable part was the shift had followed in the coming weeks. Other kids started to pick and include those who were usually overlooked. It was like dropping a pebble into a pond. 

The ripples of kindness spread. Research studies from McKinsey & Company and the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) emphasize the importance of fostering diverse and inclusive workplaces.

 Companies that "do" are 21% more likely to outperform competitors.

 Diverse leadership teams experience a 19% higher due to increased innovation.

Choose inclusion.

Make someone's day.

Make a contribution to the success of your team, and watch the ripple effect to your team's success.

What pebble are you going to drop today?  How can you help the RIPPLE become a WAVE of inclusivity?

  1. Practice Inclusion: Be mindful of those around you. Look out for individuals who might feel left out or overlooked. Make an effort to include them in conversations, activities, or group settings.
  2. Challenge Assumptions: Like I did by picking Betsy first, challenge assumptions and stereotypes. Don’t always follow the crowd—sometimes doing something different can create positive change.
  3. Small Acts of Kindness: Understand that small acts matter. A smile, a kind word, or an invitation can make someone’s day.
  4. Create a Ripple Effect: Remember that your actions impact others. By choosing kindness, you inspire others to do the same. Encourage a ripple effect of inclusion and compassion.